Friday, March 12, 2004

Contra Me

Godspy presents a good argument against my belief that it's still possible to be Catholic and Democrat.
The majority of Democrats no longer believe in a created order. They believe that humanity itself creates whatever order it enjoys, culturally and politically, and should respond to new social realities—the emergence of politically powerful interest groups such as the gay community—by accommodating their interests. That's what democracies do. They extend rights to constituents. Republicans counter that rights are God-given.

I suspect that most Democrats find this a sentimentality. They usually respond to the God-given rights arguments by finding fault with the founders' consistency in extending rights to African-Americans and women-as if inconsistency in application disproved principle.

...Joe Lieberman's failed candidacy makes clear that there is virtually no place today for people with a consistent Jewish or Christian faith in the Democratic party. The old Democratic-Catholic alliance has totally broken down, because Democrats have committed themselves to godless philosophical models.
Sadly, Harold Fickett is right. I plead no contest. But I still hold out hope, however foolishly. I just don't like the idea of rewarding the Bush Administration for merely filling a vacuum created by the Democratic Party (which has more metaphysical reasons be the true pro-life party).